Bleeding Gums, Not A Problem?!
 Do you notice your gums bleed every time you brush and especially when you do floss? Does this seem normal to you? What if your nose or your fingers bled every day or when you touched them? Would that seem...
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6 Facts About Cold Sores: Prevention and Tips to Heal Them

The most effective treatments for cold sores are prescription medications that your physician can give you a prescription for.

It's very helpful to see a dentist when you 1st feel the tingling sensation of a cold sore. Dentists can use a soft-tissue, diode laser to help prevent blistering and quickly heal a cancer sore when you 1st feel this coming on.

When you first feel the tingling sensation of a cancer sore it's helpful to quickly arm yourself against these ugly and painful sores

Read more about this below and be sure to check out the Blue/Red LED Light available here to quickly heal and prevent cancer sores.

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